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Stolenhearts Bordeaux
Izgar and Temperance pups and their Family
Stolenhearts Parkave Targon and his mom Toni Young
Targon relaxing after a long day at the dog show
Targon relaxing while waiting for his turn in the show ring
Targon won best of winners getting a 5 pt. major at 10mo. old
Targon and his many ribbons from the Costa Mesa Show Dec. 2016 Well on his way to getting his Champion title
Stolenhearts Parkave Sunny owned and loved by the Raio Family
Stolenhearts Parkave Maya owned and loved by Nona
Stolenhearts Parkave Captain owned and loved by the Ambrose Family
Stolenhearts Parkave Foxy Brown owned and loved by Keenen & Tiffany Evans
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