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Stolenhearts Bordeaux
Parkave Dream Weaver of Lakeshore our founding female. She is 155 lbs. of sweetness. Pictured with a few of her babies.

Show dogs the movie 2018
We are pleased to announce Stolenhearts Parkave Targon and his great mom, Toni Young, will be in the new movie show dogs, coming out in February 2018. Targon appears in several red carpet and cocktail party scenes! This will be a great, family friendly movie with talking dogs.
Above is an on set picture. Targon was a favorite on set and we were told that he loved the cameras. A great big shout out to his mom, Toni Young for making it all happen! Movie star, show dog and AKC therapy dog for kids! He is a dogue of many endeavors. We can hardly wait to see you both on the big screen.
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